What I always look for in a whiskey is a uniqueness with in a catagory. At the moment, my favorite whisky is Little Book 2020. It delivers a sweetness from start to finish. I also love Johnny walker Blue, a scotch Blend that is so smooth, the perfect amount of smoke, and a fruity citrus expression. It is so delightful you cant get enough! It is the most drinkable whiskey I’ve ever had!
When it comes to mixers, my favorite straight up is a bourbon old fashion! This drink is made many ways and I love them all. I’ve come up with my own version. I call it A Kentucky Mueller. I am partial to it because it is exactly how I want a mix drink to taste! Feel free to ask me about it any time!
I completed the Kentucky Bourbon Trail in 2019. 21 distilleries, all in 9 days and 954 total miles! Since then I’ve visited 10 more distilleries! The Evan Willams Experience, in Louisville, KY is an amazing tour. I’ve been their twice and highly recomend it. Makers Mark has a beautiful distillery and great tour. My favorite tour though was the Jim Beam experience! Our tour guide was great. I was able to knock the bung out of a barrel, theif right from it, bottle my own Knob Creek single barrel, and enjoy lunch with Fred and Freddie in Bakers old house on the premisis! Distilleries are one of many things to do all over our great country. Make sure you book one soon!
What you’ll Need
3 oz bourbon
1 oz simple syrup
2 dashes wallnut bitters
2 oz Amaretto
orange zest Ice
Mixing Shaker
Mixing instructions
Put ice in shaker, pour bourbon simple syrup amaretto and bitters in shaker. Shake well! Take orange peel zest and wipe on rim of a rocks glass filled with ice roll peel and place in glass. Strain shaker into glass!

Super Nash
Tiny and I got into bourbon and whiskey roughly at the same time 3 years ago. Although we did not know it at the time, our passion for the fun that is bourbon, eventually conected us through the stars of the universe to become family. I’ve been seriously collecting for a year and a half now and have close to 300 whiskey’s in my collection.
I prefer my bourbon neat! My favorite pour is Pappy Van Winkle reserve 15 year! I would have to say Cornel EH Taylor is my favorite brand of Whiskey. I enjoy them all straight across the board. The four grain bottled in bond is my favorite of the group! Willam Larue Weller is another amazing pour which helped to establish my love for bourbons made with with wheat!
When drinking cocktails, I prefer a good old fashion! Although I have to admit, when I traveled in Dec of 2019 up to a Scotchy Bourbon Boy’s meetin, I really enjoyed the Kentucky Mueller that Tiny had mixed up special for everyone at the meeting.
I would have to say my favorite distillery tour was the Bartons 1792 distillery in October of 2019. The tour guide let me drink the 135 proof high wine or white dog straight out of the still. Myself and 3 others finished off the Glencairn. Everyone was impressed and it was an experience I will never forget.

Young Nose Johnson
When Tiny brought in the Whiskey calendar I knew not a thing about whiskey and I was not a big drinker. As the months went by and we kept learning more and more about whiskey. I became intragued about all the differnet types and if whiskey could actually taste like what the calendar was describing. Oncee I started trying the differnet types I was hooked.
My favorite whiskey is still one of the first whiskeys the scotchy bourbon boys tasted, Johnny Walker Blue. Delicious is the only word I would use to describe this wonderful scotch blend! Cavehill, one of many bourbons offered in the the rabbit hole line, would be another that I would consider in my top 3. When Tiny and I tasted Jim Beam bonded for the first time, it quickly became on of my favorites!
My favorite mixed drink of all time is an easy choice. Its the Kentucky Mueller! I dont know what Tiny puts in it exactly, but I have to say it is delicious and strong. Eveything a mixer should be!
My favorite distillery experience is hands down The Rabbit Hole Distillery! Adam Edwards personal tour and pod cast tasting was second to none. I had a great time podcasting with the Boys and hanging out at the distillery!

The Scotchy Bourbon Boys
This story has a very uneventful begining. It actually, of all places, started at Books A Million in the calendar section, with a halfprice sale on desktop calandars! The year of good Whiskey a page a day desktop calendar, was there on the rack. I picked it up and thought, sure why not? Little did I know the impact that choice would have on our future. I took the calendar to work and Young Nose and I started reading daily about all the different brands, different whiskeys, and how they were made. We bought some of the whiskeys that intrigued us. We learned in September of 2018 that KBF exsisted and made plans to go together in 2019. In the months leading up to the festival, Young Nose, myself and Raybo pitched in to buy a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue. We descided we would start a group to drink the bottle together. Word spread and the meetings became more and more popular and fun. We started The Scotch Bourbon Boys Podcast which has become more popular and listened to as we travel down the Bourbon Road. We curently have 1014 official members with spouses of any member included also. We now have a website, facebook page and group, Twitter, Patreon, Instagram, Parler, Youtube, Google page, Podcast, whiskey live tastings, zoom tastings and regular in person meetings. I feel the ride is just getting going and look forward to future events and travels. We invite you to experience with us as part of the great big warm family of Scotchy Bourbon Boys!

+(330) 323-2160
Canton, OH